Gallery of Wit and Wisdom

This is a collection of some images and posters from around the internet, serious and funny, that I have appreciated and feel like sharing. Enjoy!

Actually, the one above is a photoshopped fake of course. The original message on the sign is "Behead those who insult Islam." I guess that's more acceptable then... The fake ironic statement reminds me of the Discordian slogan that appears in The Illuminati Papers by Robert Anton Wilson: "Death to all fanatics." I'm pretty sure that was a joke though!

Speaking of irony, the photo below, is not, I believe, a joke or a fake, although obviously the poster maker saw the humour in it...

Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X

Well, this painting by Francis Bacon obviously pre-dates the internet, but there's a Bacon exhibition in Sydney at present which I'm planning to attend soon.

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